Badr Al-Dhaibani

about me projects contact

Hello, I'm Badr. Welcome to my website

This is where you’ll learn more about myself, the projects I’ve finished, and how to reach me. Thank you for your visit.
Languages & Technologies
JavaScript Python Java C MongoDB HTML5 CSS3
About Me I'm a second year Computer Science student at Carleton University, aiming towards a career in software engineering. Why I chose to pursue this study is a question that I explore as I continue as a student, however something I appreciate about this field and what it has to offer is the limitless capabailities that are given to a developer and how they may choose to implement them. As for me, I would like to one day incorperate the philosophy of a happy life into my work.
If you're into salsa/merengue ;).
Contact Discord - Badr#4670